
Some girls are cute, but not dating material.
I call them eye candy
because I will look without touching,
the way I eat on a diet.
Some girls are cool, but not what I’m attracted to.
I’ll call them friends and they tell me I’m too picky
or just need to get laid.
But, I don’t believe in having sex without love,
so let’s just say, it’s been awhile.

When I fall, it’s hard and fast,
in the heart of fairytales and plot of movies,
in the mind of inpatients and gambling fools.
Nobody understands, nobody fully “gets” how,
but I know someday, somebody will.

I know who I want that person to be,
I know her soul like my relationship with words
that can never fully be told.
At all times she’s the most beautiful thing I can think
and her eyes are my favorite color in the world.

I can’t know what I know,
but I know what I feel
and if the odds are one in a million that I’m right
I would waste years of my life alone, unwilling to fold and pay the house.
My friends will shake their heads and pray for my heart,
but I have never been so rattled in my nerves
or more sure in my bones
what she is worth.

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