No Wrong

It’s not just that she’s beautiful.
A single word could never be assigned to her
like government issued numbers designed to abridge people by some mindless keystroke
and neatly box up whole lives once over.
It’s not about her looks, though she is truly stunning up close.
I’m talking about her as a whole.
It’s in the details that are seldom told first
when someone is so attractive that it’s just what comes out of your mouth
uncalculated, like natural order or primal urge.

But really, it’s not just that she’s pretty,
it’s how she carries herself like she’s never been told.
It’s that she’s patient and kind,
in the most sincere manner I’ve ever witnessed,
in the way that love has been described.

It’s not just that she’s different,
it’s how she gets along with absolutely everyone,
sees the best in them and doles out full body hugs that could reverse
the entire damage of a day.

It’s not just that she’s great,
in the broadest, most celebrated use of the adjective;
it’s that she’s a force that cannot be assigned a value
or taken for granted.
Her energy is striking and glows from a distance.
It’s not just that she’s positive,
it’s what comes off her and moves into you
like unexpected warmth from a bit of sun during winter.
It’s the scent in the air before spring arrives
that gets you excited about weather
and makes you feel like good things are coming.

It’s not just that she’s vibrant,
it’s how she can affect the tone of everything happening around her by having fun,
like keeping all the lights on at night and never checking the time
can keep you from going to bed.
She can arrest your attention the way hours pass and make you feel disoriented,
as though you must have traveled, while sitting perfectly still.
That’s how I forget to look away, feeling so embarrassed,
but she just gives me those eyes and straight lips
without any expression to suggest she minds,
so I try again.

It’s not just that she’s secure,
it’s that she’s clearly so comfortable in her own skin
you see what you’re missing by not feeling the same
and have to start.
It’s not like she is an isolated event, case or trend
she is an entire movement
wherever she happens to be
and it is something you will want to be able to say you were part of
as you get on in age,
one of those things you fight to remember towards the end,
like the first person you kissed and how real food tastes.

It’s not just that she’s full of grace,
it’s that she always appears to be cool, calm and collected
at times and in places it should not be possible.
She’s stern but lenient,
serious but also playful and spirited.

It’s not just that she’s remarkable.
She’s the most empathetic, mature, old soul
deceptively stored in a young body.
It so closely resembles my own,
I want to know
who we were to each other in our past lives
and continue to repeat it over and over.

It’s not just that she’s smart,
she speaks with authority and intellect,
in proper English and full sentences
when so many people now, use slang
like a universal dialect.
It’s just refreshing to hear
and I love her voice.

It’s not just that she’s cultured,
she’s real.
She could wear sweatpants
and make you feel underdressed.
She could do absolutely nothing with her hair
but add a headband or a couple of well placed clips
and make you think she just came from the salon.
She doesn’t need make-up or lipstick,
even though I’ve never seen firsthand, I can tell
she wakes up beautiful and doesn’t need to add
illusions or anything padded before stepping out of the house.

It’s not just that she’s got style,
it’s how she dances with anybody that asks,
like it was the easiest, least scary thing to do in a full room.
Even when she’s sitting, she’ll dance with her shoulders
and make it look like a new concentration or school.
It’s not just that she’s good,
when she moves her hips and really commits, oh man.
When my whole life flashes before my eyes someday,
that’s the part I’ll be waiting to re-experience.
It’s not even about being aroused,
it’s just the most incredible thing I’ve ever watched.
I hear certain songs and picture her dancing to them,
I go into a sort of trance, another place in my head
where I won’t be caught or have to stop.
It’s only for a few seconds,
but instantly lifts my mood
like leaving work or getting good news.

It’s not just that she makes me happy
without trying to.
It’s how she smiles
ear to ear and up to sparkling eyes
when the kids jump, hug and squeeze me in front of her
while other staff judge, criticize or croon about boundaries.
It’s not the kind of smile you can name
or ever get tired of seeing.
It’s the kind of smile reserved for those things that touch your heart
and restore faith.
I fell in love with that smile and it will always be my favorite.

It’s not just that she’s a good person,
she’s a good, good woman.
It’s not just that she is an angel,
it’s that no matter how hard I try to feel nothing,
to be negative and too sorry for myself to keep going,
I fail.
I see her and I should have no reason to hope,
to smile and enjoy her like something I have.
But my heart will not stay broken,
will not lie down and be still like a dead issue when she’s around.
I can feel sad, upset and jealous.
I can drink and punch walls
for maybe all of a day before I get rebooted by a sighting or a song.
It’s the damndest thing but I swear,
she can do no wrong.

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